Données sociales : La société française - 2006 ed.

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Anne Billaut, Pascale Breuil-Genier, Marc Collet, Daniel Sicart
Données sociales : La société française- May 2006

The changing demographics of health-care professionals

Anne Billaut, Pascale Breuil-Genier, Marc Collet, Daniel Sicart

Between 1990 and 2005, the number of health-care professionals increased more quickly than the number of workers in other occupations due particularly to the low number of retirements: health-care professionals were on average relatively young in 1990. However, with falling numbers entering training brought about by the public authorities until the mid-1990s, the growth in doctor and pharmacist numbers slowed down from this time. If this slowdown gave the impression of a "shortage" of doctors and pharmacists, this is not the case for nurses, midwifes or physiotherapists, who have experienced a high and steady growth in numbers during the whole period. In the future, the number of doctors and pharmacists retiring will greatly increase. The recent rise of the numerus clausus cannot compensate for them for the moment. Therefore, the growth in pharmacist numbers will slow down even more, and the number of doctors will fall from 2008 onwards. Conversely, high growth will continue for other professions.

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Paru le :01/05/2006