Access to data

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 18/02/2021

All information produced by the official statistical authority (data and studies) is available free of charge and in compliance with statistical confidentiality, in publications, on computer storage media or on the websites of INSEE and ministerial statistical offices .

Dissemination rules

The dissemination rules aim to guarantee all users equal access to independent information produced in accordance with the European Statistics Code of Practice. You can consult them on the « Rules for dissemination of statistical indicators and publications ».
In particular, for statistical indicators under embargo, the dissemination rules are available on the « Dissemination of statistical indicators under embargo ».

Additional information

Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletQuetelet network: the French portal for access to data for the human and social sciences gives French and foreign researchers access to files from major surveys, censuses and other databases taken from French official statistics and research, or privileged access to international surveys.

Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletSecure Data Access Centre: the Secure Data Access Centre (CASD), created by the Organization of National Schools in Economics and Statistics (GENES), is a device enabling researchers to work on individualized and very detailed data, which, due to its confidential nature, require optimal security conditions.