Conditions of redistribution

Dernière mise à jour le : 09/12/2016

Redistribution of INSEE electronic databases

The INSEE welcomes the broadest use of the database products of which it is editor and holder of intellectual property rights (copyright and producer’s rights).

To this effect, it authorizes the reuse of data (redistribution) for commercial use. This redistribution is subject or not, as the case may be, to the signing of a license and to payment of a fee.

The database products which are created in response to the needs of public service statistical information distribution are gradually being made available to the public free of charge on the INSEE website, as well as on websites with which the INSEE is linked. These products are made available when the technical conditions and the regulations regarding information confidentiality so allow.

Products that are not available on the site are distributed on electronic media in the form of standard products, when the regulations regarding information confidentiality so allow and when they have been included in the INSEE service offering, or in the form of customised products also complying with the said rules. In all cases, these products have a fixed price, set by order of the Minister responsible for the INSEE.