The framework regulations and sectoral regulations

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 13/04/2023

The development of European statistics, which are necessary for monitoring and directing European policies, relies mainly on the legal provisions enshrined in the European Regulations adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. INSEE contributes to the development of this legal basis by participating in the work of the Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet Council Working Party on Statistics. This European legislation on statistics is structured by major areas around the framework agreements.

The framework regulations

IESS (Integrated European Social Statistics) Regulation defines a common framework for European statistics on persons and households covering seven domains: labour market, income and living conditions, health, education and training, use of information and communication technologies, consumption and time use.

EBS (European Business Statistics) concerns business statistics. The Regulation establishes a common legal framework for the development, production and dissemination of European Statistics related to the structure, economic activity and performance of businesses, as well as international transactions.

IFS (Integrated Farm Statistics) proposes a framework for European farm statistics, including data on production methods and rural development provisions, in addition to agri-environmental aspects.

SAIO (Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs) provides a framework for the transmission and publication of statistics on agricultural products (animals and plants), on organic farming and on agricultural inputs (fertilisers and plant protection products). It also harmonises statistics on production, input and land prices.

The sectoral regulations

Around 30 sectoral regulations govern the production of European statistics on economic and financial subject areas (national accounts) and miscellaneous subject areas (transport, energy, environment, etc.), as well as for nomenclatures (geographical or activity nomenclatures).