Courrier des statistiques
The Courrier des statistiques is aimed at the statistician, whether a beginner or an expert, but also at the citizen. The journal's ambition is to address all the major issues in official statistics. Its approach is intended to be educational, open to a variety of subjects, authors and points of view. Finally, it highlights the collective capacity to evolve and innovate.
- Presentation of the Issue, Pascal Rivière
- How should we present our data to communicate better?, Christine Lagarenne, Frédéric Minodier and Odile Samson
- Open access to data at the Ministry of the Armed Forces, Pierre Greffet
- Quantifying participation in sports: a sociological and health-based approach, Augustin Vicard
- FINESS, the register of healthcare establishments, Johanna Bensoussan, Joël Bizingre and Nathalie Courvalin
- The Ramsese register of establishments serving education system stakeholders, Séverine Bidet-Caulet and Christian Burel
- Can we rely on non-probability sampling?, Pascal Ardilly
- Presentation of the Issue, Pascal Rivière
- Official statistics and democratic debate: from creation to consolidation (1946‑1987), Gaël de Peretti and Béatrice Touchelay
- Distributional National Accounts: a new way to distribute growth - An Innovative experiment for public debate, Mathias André, Jean-Marc Germain and Michaël Sicsic
- Statistical data confidentiality: a key challenge for the Official Statistical System, Patrick Redor
- The Non-Significant Statistical Code (CSNS): a service to facilitate file matching, Yves‑Laurent Bénichou, Lionel Espinasse and Séverine Gilles
- Which formats for which data?, Alexis Dondon and Pierre Lamarche
- Integrating administrative data into a statistical process - Industrialising a key phase, Franck Cotton and Olivier Haag
- An exchange standard to feed repositories and to guarantee quality, Bertrand Dubrulle, Olivier Rosec and Christian Sureau
- Presentation of the Issue, Odile Rascol
- “Trajectoires et Origines”: a new survey ten years after the first one Evolutions and innovations in the data protocol, Willy Thao Khamsing
- The Ministerial Statistical Office for Local Authorities: decoding a robust and evolving statistical system, Luc Brière
- What is a register? Multiple requirements for a complex system, Pascal Rivière
- The National Register for the Identification of Individuals (RNIPP) at the core of French administrative life, Lionel Espinasse and Valérie Roux
- An identity repository for the needs of Social Field - The National Identification Management System (SNGI), Joseph Préveraud de Vaumas
- Sirus, the business register for statisticians, Ali Hachid and Marie Leclair
- The Permanent Equipment Database (BPE) - A unique and constantly moving statistical source, Xavier Helfenstein
- Presentation of the Issue, Odile Rascol
- Mixed-mode collection in household surveys: a modernised collection method and a more complicated process, François Beck, Laura Castell, Stéphane Legleye and Amandine Schreiber
- The arrangement of mixed-mode surveys, Éric Sigaud and Benoît Werquin
- The 2020 agricultural census - Five innovations that will go down in history, Hervé Le Grand
- SSPCloud: a creative factory to support experimentations in the field of official statistics, Frédéric Comte, Arnaud Degorre and Romain Lesur
- Some good software development techniques for the self-study statistician (or "How to count, how to code"), Emmanuel L’Hour, Ronan Le Saout and Benoît Rouppert
- Property wealth of households - Lessons from the use of comprehensive administrative data sources combination, Mathias André and Olivier Meslin
- Assessing students’ competences: a unique measurement process, Thierry Rocher
- The challenge of developing a statistical classification of crimes, Benjamin Camus
- Presentation of the Issue, Odile Rascol
- A new Labour Force Survey in 2021: between the European imperative and the desire for modernisation, François Guillaumat-Tailliet and Chloé Tavan
- FIDÉLI, The integration of tax sources into social data, Pierre Lamarche and Stéfan Lollivier
- The permanent demographic sample (échantillon démographique permanent – EDP): in 50 years, the EDP has really grown!, Isabelle Robert-Bobée and Natacha Gualbert
- The French career register (répertoire de gestion de carrières unique - RGCU): new reference database, new perspectives, Christian Sureau and Richard Merlen
- A matching tool using indirect identifiers: the example of the information system on the integration of young people (système d’information sur l’insertion des jeunes), Loïc Midy
- A service at the heart of database quality: presentation of an ATMS prototype, Isabelle Boydens, Smals, Gani Hamiti and Rudy Van Eeckhout
- The National Council for Statistical Information (Conseil national de l’information statistique): the quality of Official Statistics also depends on consultation, Isabelle Anxionnaz and Françoise Maurel
- Presentation of the Issue, Odile Rascol
- INSEE Operations During the Lockdown Period, Jean-Luc Tavernier
- Ensuring Independent Quality Statistics: The French Official Statistics Authority Ten Years After, Dominique Bureau
- The Label Committee: a Governing Body Ensuring the Quality of Official Statistics, Marc Christine, Nicole Roth
- Grid Data, Innovative Tools and Methods, Used to See the Reality in the Territories, Valérie Darriau
- Indicators of the Added Value of Lycées: from Internal Steering to the General Public Dissemination, Franck Evain
- PRISME: from the General Scheme to the Universal Scheme, Microsimulation as a Decision-Making Tool, Bryan Bellanger, Samuel Goujon
- What is Data? Impact of External Data on Official Statistics, Pascal Rivière
- Presentation of the Issue, Odile Rascol
- Microsimulation Models in a Statistical Office: Why, How and to What Extent? Didier Blanchet
- A Decade of Modelling the Pension System: the Genesis of the TRAJECTOiRE Microsimulation Model, Pierre Cheloudko and Henri Martin
- INES, the Model that Simulates the Impact of Tax and Benefit Policies, Simon Fredon and Michaël Sicsic
- The 2020 Socio-Professional Classification: Continuity and Innovation, For Greater Use, Thomas Amossé
- INSEE is Updating its Household Survey Samples, Patrick Sillard, Sébastien Faivre, Nicolas Paliod and Ludovic Vincent
- The Third Overhaul of the Sirene Registry: Too Ambitious or Not Ambitious Enough? Christophe Alviset
- Using a Process Model at Statistics Sweden: Implementation, Experiences and Lessons Learned, Johan Erikson
- The Statistical System For Housing: Scope and Outlook, Jérôme Harnois and Pierre Lamarche
- Birth of an Innovation in Statistical Production – Abstract, Jean-Marc Béguin
- Pogues, a Questionnaire Design Tool, Franck Cotton and Thomas Dubois
- Eno, a Collection Instrument Generator, Heïdi Koumarianos and Éric Sigaud
- Internet Business Data Collection: INSEE Enters the Coltrane Era, Olivier Haag and Anne Husseini-Skalitz
- Using Scanner Data to Calculate the Consumer Price Index, Marie Leclair
- The Secure Data Access Centre (CASD), a Service for Datascience and Scientific Research, Kamel Gadouche
- A New Judicial Triptych for European Statistics, Hervé Piffeteau
- FRIBS: A New Common Framework for European Business Statistics, Christel Colin
- IESS: Europe Harmonises its Social Statistics to Better Inform Public Policies, Chantal Cases
- The German Statistical System: Change Facilitated by European Regulations – Abstract, Véronique Alexandre and Jean-Pierre Cling
This issue contains a special folder "Germany".
- The Modernisation of Administrative Registers in Germany - Current Developments and Challenges for Official Statistics, Arno Bens, Stefan Schukraft
- The New Mikrozensus in Germany - An Integrated System of Household Surveys by 2020, Pascal M. Rivière
- Measuring Security and Satisfaction with Institutions in France - The Impetus Given by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, François Clanché
- RMéS: INSEE’s Statistical Metadata Repository, Dominique Bonnans
- Élire, an Ambitious Project to the Benefit of the Single Electoral Register, Magali Demotes-Mainard
- Short-term Business Statistics - European Impulse, French Advances, Philippe Scherrer
- Profiling at INSEE - A More Relevant Identification of Economic Actors, Olivier Haag
This issue contains a special folder on "The Statistician and Administrative Sources".
- Using Administrative Declarations for Statistical Purposes, Pascal Rivière
- Understanding the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN) for Better Statistical Measurement, Catherine Renne
- The Legal Entity Identifier - International Context and Role of INSEE, Pierrette Schuhl