Données sociales : La société française - 2006 ed.

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Paru le :Paru le01/05/2006
Sophie Ponthieux, Amandine Schreiber
Données sociales : La société française- May 2006

In couples where both partners work, the sharing of housework remains unequal

Sophie Ponthieux, Amandine Schreiber

The sharing of housework and family chores between partners can be analysed in terms of specialisation, economic power or social norms. The widespread participation of women in the labour market goes hand in hand with a lesser specialisation of their partners. Even in couples where both partners work full-time, the sharing out of chores is far from being equal. In these working couples, the share of housework completed by the man is linked to the gap between his salary and his partner's salary. When the woman earns more, her partner does a bit more housework. Yet that does not suffice to fill the gap in the amount of time the two partners spend doing housework.

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Paru le :01/05/2006