Données sociales : La société française - 2006 ed.

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Paru le :Paru le01/05/2006
Pascal Chevalier, Olivier Guillemin, Aude Lapinte, Jean-Paul Lorgnet
Données sociales : La société française- May 2006

Changing standards of living between 1970 and 2002

Pascal Chevalier, Olivier Guillemin, Aude Lapinte, Jean-Paul Lorgnet

Between 1970 and 2002, the average standard of living of individuals increased by 70% ­ in constant Euro per year. The standard of living further increased, especially at the end of the 1990s with the economic recovery. After an initial slowdown in 2002, the growth in the standard of living stagnated in 2003. Over the whole period, the elderly mainly benefited from this rise in the standard of living. In 2002, one in ten people had a standard of living lower than 710 Euro per month. Conversely, one in ten people had a standard of living greater than 2,250 Euro per month. Couples, whether they had children or not, earning only one minimum wage made up 10% of the lowest standards of living.

Insee Références

Paru le :01/05/2006