Données sociales : La société française - 2006 ed.

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Paru le :Paru le01/05/2006
Fabienne Rosenwald
Données sociales : La société française- May 2006

Girls and boys in the education system over the last 20 years

Fabienne Rosenwald

In 2004, as was the case twenty years previously, there were distinct differences between the educational experiences of girls and those of boys. Girls did better in their studies, as in the majority of developed countries, whatever the level of education or subject. 69% of a generation of girls gained their baccalauréat, as opposed to 55% of boys. Girls study for longer, and are more often graduates of higher education. Choices of studies differ at each stage of education: girls are over-represented in literary subjects in both secondary and higher education, in vocational service subjects, in the IUFM (masters education) and in paramedic and social schools. In contrast, boys mainly take up scientific and industrial subjects, notably in the IUT (technological universities) and engineering schools. School results differ as do subject choices, because of varying motivations and opinions. These contribute to the persistent disparities between girls and boys, on both an educational and a social level.

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Paru le :01/05/2006