Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

On-line database

The permanent database of facilities (BPE) is put online annually. Its data are presented in seven products included in five datasets.

1. Datasets that can be downloaded in csv format, by API and consulted in an explorer

  • Counts for the whole of the BPE at January, 1st according to communal and supra-communal zoning, without additional variables.
  • BPE Counts at January, 1st on education according to communal and supra-communal zoning, with additional variables.
  • BPE counts at January, 1st for sport, leisure and culture according to municipal and supra-municipal zoning, with additional variables.
  • BPE counts in 2018-2023 according to supra-municipal zoning, without additional variables.

2. Data sets that can only be downloaded in csv format

  • The detail file of facilities containing data such as company name, address and coordinates (x,y). This file is updated each month to take into account and update the choices of partial dissemination of personal information requested by company directors on ; the corresponding data is anonymised. This file can be accessed from the count dataset for the entire BPE.
  • Counts of the entire BPE at January, 1st at Iris level, with no additional variables.
  • The table of indicators of the presence/absence of facilities at municipal level, for the whole of the BPE, with changes from 2018-2023. This table can be accessed from the dataset of BPE counts in 2018-2023 according to supra-municipal zoning,