Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

BPE is supplied by :

6 major directories:

  • ADELI: automation of paramedical lists, Department of Labor, Health and Solidarity
  • FINESS: national file of health and social establishments, Department of Labor, Health and Solidarity
  • RPPS: shared repertory of health professionals, Department of Labor, Health and Solidarity
  • SIRUS: registration system in the directory of statistical units, Insee
  • RAMSESE: academic and ministerial repertory on the establishments of the education system, Department of Education and Youth
  • Data ES: inventory of sports facilities, Department of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games

15 administrative files:

  • Gendarmerie, provided by the General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie (DGGN), Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories
  • Tourisme survey, Insee
  • Agricultural education, provided by the Directorate General for Education and Research (DGER), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
  • Justice, provided by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice
  • La Poste
  • Pôle Emploi
  • Airports, provided by the Data and Statistical Studies Service (SDES), Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion
  • Train stations, provided by the Data and Statistical Studies Service (SDES), Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion
  • Culture, provided by the Department of Studies, Forecasting and Statistics (DEPS), Ministry of Culture
  • Gas stations,
  • National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf)
  • National Agency for territorial cohesion (ANCT)
  • Police stations
  • Town halls, from the population census service, Insee

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Request data from producers under agreements and receive data in files of various formats or download if open data.

Data collection period

From January to June, each year.

Data validation

Data checks are carried out throughout the production process : comparisons with the previous year’s data, geolocation quality control, office checks, etc.

Data compilation


The Permanent database of facilities is available throughout France, including the overseas departments. The geographical reference of the database is the Official geographic code (COG) of the municipalities on January, 1st of the reference year.

The BPE is located in IRIS 2023.

In municipalities divided into arrondissements (Paris, Lyon and Marseille), the district has been chosen as the municipal level for locating facilities.

Facilities georeferencing and geolocation

The georeferencing operations of the facilites contained in the BPE relate to all the municipalities of France (except Mayotte) and make it possible to provide the membership of the facilities with the zoning in iris and since the BPE 2021 with the zonings of the urban policy.

Since the 2013 BPE, work has been carried out to geolocate facilities.

Geolocation consists of assigning geographical coordinates (x, y) to an address which is then materialised by a point. Geolocation makes it possible to get rid of pre-existing zoning (municipalities or Iris). It therefore allows for more detailed spatial or territorial studies, with data independent of predefined zoning.

The projection systems used by INSEE to assign coordinates (x, y) are Lambert-93 (RGF93) for metropolitan France and UTM (Universal tranverse Mercator) for the overseas departments (UTM40sud for Réunion, UTM20nord for Martinique and Guadeloupe, and UTM22nord for Guyana). Whatever system is used, these are not GPS coordinates.

From BPE 2023 onwards, in addition to the (x,y) coordinates described above, decimal GPS coordinates (WGS84 - EPSG 4326 projection system) will be integrated into the BPE.

These coordinates enable users to display all geolocated facilities in the BPE on the same map, regardless of their location in France (except Mayotte and COM).

→ For more detailed information on projection systems, visit the IGN website.

The geolocation carried out by INSEE is based on a frame of reference built on the information contained : 

  • in the address repertory (Repertory of localized buildings - RIL) used for the population census, mainly for municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more ;
  • in tax files (repositories of cadastral addresses) for municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.

Georeferencing and geolocation operations are performed in two stages:

  • automatic processing of all BPE facilities.
  • manual processing carried out on a selection of facilities whose quality of the coordinates (x,y) is classified as poor for more than 76% of the facilities making up the selection at the national level. A second selection is made on the types of facilities for which the proportion of poorly geolocated facilities can be improved at the departmental level.

Some data producers who supply the BPE geolocate the data they supply. Expert assessments are carried out to determine whether the quality of the suppliers' (x,y) coordinates is better than that of the coordinates provided by INSEE. In this case, the coordinates of the facilities concerned are injected directly into the BPE without any reprocessing by INSEE other than conversion into the projection systems used for the BPE.

Thus, the coordinates (x, y) made available for each piece of equipment are accompanied by a quality indicator which can take the following forms:

  • good : the deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is less than 100 m;
  • acceptable : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is between 100 m and 500 m ;
  • bad : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is greater than 500 m and random imputations could be made ;
  • Indeterminate : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x,y) provided from the reality on the ground is unknown. The quality of the geolocation is sometimes also unknown.
  • not geolocated : the coordinates (x, y) are not available because the geolocation works were not successful for the equipment. Facilities of Mayotte and 1.6 % of sport facilities are concerned ;

    Regarding the quality thresholds, INSEE does not guarantee total compliance with these : deviations from reality can be greater in a certain number of cases, and conversely, prove to be of better quality than the documentation does not indicate it.

Coordinate quality (x,y)

For the 2023 BPE categories, the distribution of equipment according to the quality of the coordinates (x, y) provided is established as follows:

  • good quality : 82.2 %
  • acceptable quality : 3.1 %
  • poor quality : 6.7 %
  • undefined quality : 7.6 %
  • not geolocated : 0.4 %

In the BPE 2023, the (x,y) coordinates of stations, airports and sports facilities are taken from producer data.