Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Politique de diffusion

Release calendar

1st half of July each year.

User access

The decree of January 3, 2024 modifying the decree of January 11th, 2008 creating a BPE identifies three audiences, corresponding to three levels of diffusion.

  • The public files and thematic databases on : these are counts by type of facilities, according to various infra- and supra-municipal zones, over the entire territory including the five overseas departments. A detailed file is also put online containing the facilities with their company name, their adress, their coordinates (x,y) and, where applicable, additional characteristics in the fields of education and sports-leisure. Personal data is anonymised on a monthly basis for facilities where the company manager has objected to its publication. Since 2018, an database in evolution over a five-year period provides, depending on the geographical level, counts or presence/absence indicators by type of facilities.
  • The file for contributors (BPE suppliers) is provided free of charge within the framework of agreements.

The diffusion of studies from the BPE is authorized.