Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assessment

Data quality

In order to measure the quality of the data contained in the BPE, several types of checks are carried out each year.

Data checks are carried out throughout the production process : comparisons with the previous year’s data, quality control of geolocation, checks in the office, etc.


They are based on comparison with other available sources. For example, the use of the SIRUS directory makes it possible to check information from other sources and vice versa. These checks relate to the presumption of the absence or erroneous presence of facilities in the BPE, and do not allow any assertion as to its completeness.

In a specific case, the maternities included in the BPE take into account the check carried out each year with the INSEE birth file.

In addition, each year the BPE division carries out expertise on the consistency and evolution of data, classifications or sources over several years, in order to test the robustness of the data published.

Quality of coordinates (x, y)

The coordinates (x, y) provided for each piece of facility are accompanied by a quality indicator which can take the following forms :

  • good : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is less than 100 m;
  • acceptable: the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is between 100 m and 500 m ;
  • bad : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is greater than 500 m and random imputations could be made ;
  • Indeterminate: the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x,y) provided from the reality on the ground is unknown. The quality of the geolocation is also sometimes unknown.
  • not geolocated : the coordinates (x, y) are not available because the facility could not be geolocated. Facilities of Mayotte and 1.6 % of sport facilities are concerned.

With regard to the quality thresholds, INSEE does not guarantee that they will be fully respected : in a certain number of cases, deviations from reality can be greater and conversely, the quality may turn out to be better than the documentation would suggest.

For the 2023 BPE categories, the distribution of equipment according to the quality of the coordinates (x, y) provided is established as follows:

  • good quality: 82.8 %
  • acceptable quality: 4.5 %
  • poor quality: 12.7 %
  • undefined quality : 7.6 %
  • not geolocated : 0.4 %
    In the BPE 2023, the (x,y) coordinates of stations, airports and sports facilities are taken from producer data.