Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


The permanent database of facilities is the main source of the national publication accompanying the publication of the new 2022 catchment area zoning in April 2023 :

Insee Analyses n° 83

The new catchment area zoning : 1,700 catchment areas shape the national territory

A national publication supplemented by regional publications accompanied the publication of the first vintage of the evolution BPE in September 2018 :

Insee Focus n ° 125

In five years, more services to the population in large cities

A national publication was published in May 2018:

Insee Focus n ° 113

In the municipalities with the least services, buliding craftsmen and restaurants are the most present

Each year, many regional publications are produced with the help of the BPE on a variety of topics, usually in partnership with regional public actors.