Permanent database of facilities 2023 

BPE 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


Confidentiality - policy

In accordance with the decree of January 11th, 2008 modified by decree of January 3, 2024 establishing a permanent database of facilities and setting the conditions for the diffusion of BPE, the conditions of diffusion change from the BPE 2023 onwards :

  • diffusion of names, business names and addresses in the facility detail file on ;
  • anonymisation of the names, business names and addresses of facilities according to the diffusion status of Sirene legal units (choice of partial diffusion of this information requested on;
  • monthly updating of the facility detail file on to take account of changes in the choice of partial diffusion of personal information for facility declared in Sirene.
  • availability of supra- and infra-communal zoning, coordinates (x,y) in Lambert 93 (mainland France) or UTM (overseas departments) and GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude).

The distribution conditions set out in this decree therefore exclude any privileged public having access to an extended distribution on condition of signing a user licence, in order to have access to additional information (company names, addresses, etc.)

Confidentiality - data treatment

In accordance with the framework for distribution to the general public (, the variables relating to the company name and address of facilities are now provided, except for those facilities for which the choice has been made to make this information partially available on