Courrier des statistiques N6 - 2021

In this sixth issue, the Courrier des statistiques (Statistics Courier) examines four data sources, two methods and one institution, while remaining open to the outside world, both in France and abroad.

With the 2021 redesign, the Labour Force Survey is modernising its data collection methods and complying with European requirements. Fidéli, a demographic file on dwellings and individuals, has become indispensable, particularly as a pivotal tool for social studies. The permanent demographic sample, with its extended possibilities, brings temporal depth to the analysis of individual trajectories. Finally, the RGCU, a gigantic database on professional careers, designed by the main pension scheme in France (Caisse nationale de l’assurance vieillesse - CNAV), promises to become a valuable source for researchers.

But how can files be matched without a common identifier? The Directorate of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance Monitoring (Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance - DEPP) presents its method, through its information system on the integration of young people into working life. Upstream, how can administrative databases be improved? To this end, Belgium has institutionalised and implemented an approach that favours preventive methods based on the analysis of anomalies.

The issue concludes by explaining how the National Council for Statistical Information (Conseil National de l’information Statistique - CNIS) organises dialogue between users and producers of official statistics, to ensure the relevance of statistical outputs and to improve them.

Courrier des statistiques
Paru le :Paru le02/10/2023
Pierre Lamarche, Head of the Housing Division and Stéfan Lollivier, Expert to the Director General, Housing Directory Programme, INSEE
Courrier des statistiques- October 2023

FIDÉLI, The integration of tax sources into social data

Pierre Lamarche, Head of the Housing Division and Stéfan Lollivier, Expert to the Director General, Housing Directory Programme, INSEE

Tax data have turned out as valuable sources for official statistics, as they fulfil a lot of needs of the information system, as long as they are produced through a demanding effort of data compilation. The Fichier Démographique des Logements et des Individus (Fidéli) produced by INSEE from fiscal data has proven the point. Usefully complementing traditional sources such as Census, it makes it possible to enlighten aspects of individuals’ living conditions so far poorly documented, at national and at local level as well. Hence, the precisely geolocalized data makes it possible to renew the analysis also below municipality level. This completion is performed at the cost of a highly demanding and comprehensive production process while it also comes with strong dissemination conditions, so as to avoid unforeseen information disclosures.

In order to make this statistical source sustainable, one should first address data issues posed by the ongoing fiscal reforms in France, especially the abolition of the Housing Tax. Second, one should enlarge its scope and encompass a always wider range of information coming from fiscal sources. Third and last, in the long run the source should fit in a more ambitious and comprehensive process involving larger parts of administrative – and not only fiscal – data.

Paru le :02/10/2023