Disinflation is on the right track Economic Outlook - December 2023


Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le21/12/2023
Conjoncture in France- December 2023


In Q3 2023, activity declined slightly in the Eurozone (-0.1% after +0.1%), with inflation edging down, although still buoyant, and high interest rates curbing investment. Activity fell back in Germany (-0.1%), after two quarters of virtual stability, as it did in France (-0.1%), after a dynamic Q2 (+0.6%). The Spanish economy slowed only a little (+0.3% after +0.4%), with the country still apparently experiencing some catch-up effects. Finally, activity remained sluggish in Italy (+0.1%), after a sharp decline in Q2 (-0.4%)...

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :10/01/2024