Disinflation is on the right track Economic Outlook - December 2023


Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le21/12/2023
Conjoncture in France- December 2023

Corporate investment

Investment by non-financial enterprises (NFEs) slowed markedly in Q3 2023 (+0.5% after +1.2% in Q2, with growth driven by services and manufactured products. Investment in services has, for the most part, remained very buoyant since the end of the health crisis, driven by information-communication. Investment in manufactured products has followed a more turbulent course, but with some growth peaks, mirroring its rise in Q3 2023 (+1.4%). This rise was due to a rebound in investment in capital goods and to major purchases of transport equipment (professional vehicles, trucks), probably a catch-up effect. Finally, investment in construction fell back substantially (-2.4% in Q3 2023): the decline in non-residential building construction starts was only partly offset by the relative buoyancy in investment in building maintenance and improvement...

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :10/01/2024