Employment, Unemployment, Earned income 2022 edition

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Paru le :Paru le18/07/2023
Adeline Poty (Insee)
Employment, unemployment, earned income- July 2023

Women are still very much in the minority in digital transformation and sustainable development professions

Adeline Poty (Insee)

In 2021-2022, around 6% of people in employment in France were working in a digital or “green” profession. Their profiles are very different: highly qualified for digital professions and with few qualifications for “green” professions.

In both cases, however, there are very few women in these professions. Women in these occupations are often younger and better qualified than the rest of the female working population, and generally occupy managerial or intermediate occupations. They are less affected by underemployment and part-time work than employed women as a whole, and most of them have been in their jobs for less than 5 years.

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Paru le :18/07/2023