Employment, Unemployment, Earned income 2022 edition

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Paru le :Paru le20/04/2023
Tiphaine Do, Mikael Beatriz, Marilyne Bèque, Thomas Coutrot, Marion Duval, Louis Erb, Ceren Inan, Élodie Rosankis (Dares)
Employment, unemployment, earned income- April 2023

The consequences of the health crisis on working conditions in different occupations

Tiphaine Do, Mikael Beatriz, Marilyne Bèque, Thomas Coutrot, Marion Duval, Louis Erb, Ceren Inan, Élodie Rosankis (Dares)

Working conditions changed during the health crisis, with different consequences for different occupations. They clearly worsened for occupations that frequently use telework and for so-called core occupations with intensive work. On the contrary, occupations with limited autonomy, such as most blue-collar workers, and those considered essential for less intense work experienced relatively little change. The feeling of job insecurity increased sharply for trades in sectors that experienced compulsory closures. In occupations with moderate teleworking, changes in working conditions were similar to those of all employed people.

The crisis affected workers' health, directly or indirectly. A significant proportion of workers report an increase in sleep disturbances and pain, especially in occupations with frequent use of teleworking and in occupations that are essential for intensive work. Covid-19 infection attributed to the work setting is twice as high as average among heavy duty workers. Conversely, on-site workers with limited autonomy were the least contaminated.

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Paru le :20/04/2023