Cooling Economic Outlook - December 2022
Corporate investment
Investment by non-financial enterprises (NFE) accelerated sharply in Q3 2022 (+3.1% after +0.9%), 8.0% above its pre-health crisis level. Investment in manufactured products rebounded strongly (+4.9% after +0.4%) sustained mainly by investment in transport equipment. Automobile production has risen again since the spring, and the supply chain difficulties experienced by the sector have eased a little, allowing a relative catch-up in deliveries. Conversely, investment in construction fell back for the second consecutive quarter (-0.6% after -1.1%). Lastly, investment in services gained more momentum (+3.7%) and exceeded its pre-health crisis level by 18.5%. This increase was mainly driven by investment in information and communication services...
Conjoncture in France
Paru le :06/01/2023