Employment and Earned Income of Self-Employed Workers 2020 edition

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Paru le :Paru le28/04/2020
Damien Babet, Claude Picart (INSEE)
Emplois et revenus des indépendants- April 2020

Self-Employed Workers: More Constrained Labour Supply Since 2008

Damien Babet, Claude Picart (INSEE)

Insee Références

Paru le :28/04/2020

After the rise of more flexible and more precarious forms of wage employment – i.e. fixed-term and temporary contracts – at the end of the 20th century, the boundary between salaried and self-employed workers has become more blurred since the start of the 21st century, with the introduction, in France, of the “auto-entrepreneur” status in 2009, known since 2014 as “micro-entrepreneur”, and, later, the development of digital platforms. What is the impact of these innovations on the situation of self-employed workers? Self-employed workers remain less affected than salaried workers by constraints in labour supply, i.e. being unemployed at least once during the year, in the halo around unemployment or in under-employment, although the gap between the two categories has narrowed. While company directors, liberal professionals and health associate professionals are relatively unscathed, other self-employed workers tend to be more affected, particularly in occupations where micro-entrepreneurs are most heavily represented. These constraints on the labour supply of self-employed workers often translate into under-employment. They reflect periods of work and client shortages and do not appear to be particularly related to situations of economic dependency.