Enterprises in France 2013 Edition

This new work from the “Insee Références” collection, Enterprises in France, provides the broadest possible view of our productive system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le18/10/2013
Hervé Bacheré
Les entreprises en France- October 2013

Enterprises in 2011: improved business activity did not boost financial results

Hervé Bacheré

In 2011 in France, while gross domestic product grew by 2.0%, the value added of non-farm and non-financial enterprises in the mainly market sectors grew by 1.3%, in terms deflated from the change in price of GDP. These companies represent 55% of GDP; in 2011 they were subjected to an increase in the price of their intermediary consumption that weighed on the growth of their value added, in industry in particular. The demand from enterprises sustained business activity and the investment rate returned to its pre-crisis level. Full-time equivalent salaried employment increased as an annual average in 2011, owing to the overhang at the beginning of the year but with the effect of increased wages and contributions, gross operating profit stagnated, which brought about a fall in the margin rate. Financial profitability marked time. With growing financing requirements, indebtedness increased in all sectors. In parallel, payment deadlines tended to fall.

Insee Références

Paru le :18/10/2013