Enterprises in France 2013 Edition

This new work from the “Insee Références” collection, Enterprises in France, provides the broadest possible view of our productive system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le18/10/2013
Frédéric Boccara, Vincent Hecquet, Aurélien D’Isanto, Tristan Picard
Les entreprises en France- October 2013

Internationalisation of firms and the French economy

Frédéric Boccara, Vincent Hecquet, Aurélien D’Isanto, Tristan Picard

From a French perspective, there are two dimensions to the internationalisation of firms as multinationals: the presence in France of enterprises controlled by foreign groups, and the set-up abroad of affiliates under French control. Almost one in two persons employed in France (excluding temporary workers) in the non-farm mainly market sectors works in a multinational, i.e. 6.8 million persons employed in 2010. Of these, 1.8 million are employed in a foreign-controlled company. As a comparison, non-farm and non-financial international groups under French control employ 4.6 million persons abroad, or 53% of their global workforce. Whether in France or the rest of the world, these multinationals' affiliates located outside their country of origin are strongly industry-oriented and are frequently intermediate in size (intermediate sized enterprises - ISEs). French-controlled affiliates abroad are mainly set up by the biggest enterprises: 135 French groups in the 'large enterprise' category excluding financial firms employ 3.7 million people abroad and conductmore than half their business there. One third of French-controlled ISEs have an affiliate abroad. This is hardly the case of SMEs. These multinational enterprises account for more than 80% of France's exports (of which 31% from those under foreign control).

Insee Références

Paru le :18/10/2013