Survey on “Global value chains” 2023 

GVC 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The parameters of interest requested by Eurostat (see EU Implementing Regulation 2022/918) are as follows:

  • Number of employed persons;

  • Number of companies purchasing goods or equipment from abroad;

  • Number of companies selling goods or equipment abroad;

  • Number of companies purchasing services from abroad;

  • Number of companies selling services abroad;

  • Number of companies that have relocated;

  • Number of companies that have relocated or considered relocating;

  • Number of positions created as a result of relocation;

  • Number of positions eliminated as a result of relocation;

  • Number of companies that have experienced impacts on their value chains due to recent events.

Additionally, certain questions initiated by France are also to be considered as parameters of interest:

  • Number of companies that have outsourced;

  • Number of companies that have reshored.

Classification system

The main areas of dissemination are the activity sector of the company described according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) and their Core Business Function ; the size of the enterprise ; activities definined by the survey.

Sector coverage

The most fields of broadcast are:

  • Section B: Mining and quarrying;

  • Section C: Manufacturing;

  • Sections D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;

  • Section E: Water supply; Sewerage; Waste management and remediation activities;

  • Section F: Construction;

  • Section G: Wholesale and retail treade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles;

  • Section H: Transportation and storage;

  • Section I: Accommodation and Food and beverage service activities;

  • Section J: Information and communication;

  • Section K: Financial and insurance activities;

  • Section L: Real estate activities;

  • Section M: Professional, scientific and technical activities;

  • Section N: Administrative and support service activities.

Number of employees:  

  • 50 to 249 employees;  

  • 250 employees and more.

Statistical concepts and definitions

In the context of this survey, sourcing refers to the total or partial movement of business functions by an enterprise to another enterprise. This term relates to the well-known term outsourcing (sourcing outside of the enterprise group) and the less known term insourcing (sourcing within the enterprise group). It is important to note that prior to being sourced in the reference period, these functions were performed in the enterprise (the statistical unit enterprise). On the other hand, if an enterprise has been purchasing a business function (e.g. as a purchase of services) since its creation, then there is no sourcing involved.

There are three basic concepts:

  • Domestic sourcing: refers to the total or partial movement of business functions by a French enterprise to another French enterprise.

  • International sourcing: refers to the total or partial movement of business functions by a French enterprise to a foreign enterprise, belonging or not to the same enterprise.

  • International backsourcing: refers to the total or partial movement of business functions made abroad to a French enterprise, belonging or not to the same enterprise.

The survey also focuses on the positioning of French companies in the value chain, particularly regarding purchases and sales of goods and/or services abroad in 2023: companies are asked to specify the types of these products, the major geographical areas of trade, and whether these transactions are conducted with companies belonging to the same group.

Finally, a module assesses the impacts of recent global events on the value chains of the surveyed companies (for 2023: Covid-19, sanctions against Russia, supply shortages or labor shortages, etc.).

Statistical unit

The interrogation unit is the enterprise (independent or profiled) as the smallest combination of legal units that constitutes an organizational unit for the production of goods and services, enjoying a certain degree of decision-making autonomy, particularly for the allocation of its current resources.

Statistical population

The survey covers the french enterprises of 50 employees or more, with NACE code belonging to the sections B to N.

Time coverage

The questions cover the period 2021 to 2023


First mandatory GVC survey (previous ones were conducted under gentlemen’s agreement).