Survey on Trajectories and Origins in 2019 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


User needs

There are many users: the DILCRAH, university researchers and statistical services such as the DSED (Ministry of the Interior), the DARES (Ministry of Labour), the DREES (Ministry of Health), the ONPV within the Commissariat général à l'égalité des territoires.

In addition to Ined and Insee, other expected users are the Défenseur des droits, the Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire (INJEP), the Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme Ile-de-France, Santé Publique France, the Département des études de la prospective et des statistiques (DEPS) of the Ministry of Culture, the media, private individuals, etc. They use the data from this survey for their own purposes.

They use the data from this survey to deal with subjects related to immigration and population diversity, discrimination, the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, etc.

Users consultation organisation

A meeting with the main human rights, anti-discrimination and immigrant support associations or their representatives was organised in 2018 by INED. A letter of invitation with a detailed description of the survey was sent to more than fifty associations and institutions active in the themes of interest (immigration, integration, discrimination).

User satisfaction

Questions and complaints can be submitted via the contact form on the website or directly to the teams in charge of production.

Completeness and R1. Data completeness – rate for U

This survey complies with the regulatory requirements specified in the « Institutional Mandate » section.