Survey on Trajectories and Origins in 2019 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


Confidentiality - policy

Law No. 51-711 of 7 June 1951 on the obligation, coordination and secrecy of statistics.

Article 6 concerns statistical confidentiality. Subject to the provisions of Articles 40, 56, 76, 97 and 99 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and those of Article L. 213-3 of the Heritage Code, individual information contained in questionnaires bearing the visa provided for in Article 2 of this Act and relating to personal and family life and, in general, to private facts and behaviour may not, unless the archive administration decides otherwise, taken after consultation with the Statistical Confidentiality Committee and relating to a request made for the purposes of public statistics or scientific or historical research, may not be communicated by the depositary service before the expiry of a period of seventy-five years following the date on which the survey was carried out or a period of twenty-five years from the date of the death of the person concerned, whichever is shorter.

Subject to the provisions of articles 40, 56, 76, 97 and 99 of the code of criminal procedure and those of article L. 213-3 of the heritage code, individual economic or financial information contained in questionnaires bearing the visa provided for in article 2 of the present law may not, unless the archive administration decides otherwise after consulting the statistical confidentiality committee, be communicated in any way by the depositary service before the expiry of a period of twenty-five years following the date on which the census or survey was conducted.

A Statistical Confidentiality Committee shall be set up. This committee is called upon to give its opinion on any question relating to statistical confidentiality. It shall give its opinion on requests for disclosure of individual data collected pursuant to this Act. The committee shall be chaired by a Councillor of State, appointed by the Vice-President of the Council of State. It shall include representatives of the National Assembly and the Senate. The composition and operating procedures of the committee shall be determined by decree in the Council of State. The beneficiaries of data communications resulting from ministerial decisions taken after advice from the Statistical Confidentiality Committee undertake not to communicate these data to anyone. Any breach of the provisions of this paragraph shall be punishable by the penalties provided for in Article 226-13 of the Criminal Code.

Confidentiality - data treatment

Responses to the questionnaire are protected by statistical secrecy and are intended for INSEE. Their use and access are strictly controlled and limited to the preparation of statistics or research work.

The General Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on data protection (RGPD) and Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms apply to this survey.

Respondents may exercise a right of access, rectification or limitation of processing for the data concerning them during the period of conservation of identification data.