Official geographic code 2020 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The Official Geographic Code (COG) is made up of several geographic attribute bases. It covers the whole of metropolitan France, overseas regions and departments as well as countries and foreign territories. The following are listed :

  • municipalities, municipal districts, delegated municipalities and associated municipalities

  • cantons and pseudo-cantons (fictitious canton taking the outline of the entire municipality when it is shared between several cantons)

  • boroughs

  • departments

  • egions, territorial authorities with special status, overseas collectivities and their main divisions,

  • countries and foreign territories.

As of January 1, 2020, nearly 38,000 municipalities, associated municipalities, delegated municipalities and municipal districts, about 2,300 cantons, 332 boroughs, 101 departments, 18 regions, 199 current countries and 28 foreign territories with their own official geographical codes are listed.

Classification system

Not applicable

Sector coverage

Not applicable

Statistical concepts and definitions

The geographical objects contained in the COG are the local authorities (municipalities, departments, regions, territorial authorities with special status), administrative divisions (boroughs, municipal districts, pseudo-cantons) and certain electoral divisions (<< cantons >>), as well as countries and foreign territories.

They are listed on January 1 of each year. For the update of the data on January 1 N, all events occurring between 02/01/N-1 and 01/01/N are taken into account.

Regional extensions

Not applicable

Time coverage

Each file on January 1, N, takes into account the changes in zoning between 02/01 / N-1 and 01/01 / N

Base period

Not applicable