Official geographic code 2020 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


User needs

A user committee meets annually to ensure that the products meet the users needs and to identify emerging needs.

Users consultation organisation

The users' committee, which meets once a year, is responsible for assessing changes in the database's content, collecting the needs of users inside and outside INSEE, and describing and prioritizing expected changes.

It is currently made up of representatives of the various INSEE departments and two representatives of the SSM << Sécurité Intérieur >>.

Questions and problems raised by external users of INSEE who contact the INSEE Contact service are also taken into account.

User satisfaction

A satisfaction survey on the dissemination of the Official Geographic Code and other geographic nomenclatures was conducted from September 17 to October 7, 2019 on the website, in order to more accurately assess the degree of satisfaction of external users.

Completeness and R1. Data completeness – rate for U

In order to ensure the completeness of the modifications to be carried out on the N-1 COG to produce the COG N, a coordination meeting is held at the beginning of each year with the General Directorate of Local Authorities and the Ministry of the Interior.