Defence industries businesses Survey 2018

Paru le :Paru le11/03/2025

Traitement statistique

Source data

Legal units covered by the survey.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Notification letter, the questionnaire and a pre-paid envelope were sent to all companies. Two reminders were sent.

Data collection period

Collection began on September 3, 2018 and was scheduled to end on October 5, 2018. In order to increase the return rate, an extension of the collection was made until April 2019.

Collection mode

By post mail

Survey unit


Sampling method

Strata constituted by APE codes. 32 exhaustive strata and 106 random strata.

Sample size

9,950 legal units

Data collection documents

Questionnaire with 4 blocks:
- Pre-filled identification block of the unit (can be modified by the unit);
- Block that determines the belonging to the defence industry (serves as a filter);
- Block that asks for the turnover distribution by function and product type in 2016 and 2017;
- Block containing all the information needed to complete the questionnaire.