Permanent database of facilities 2020 

BPE 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

On-line database

The permanent database of facilities (BPE) is put online annually. Its data are presented in three main sections.

1. Section "Downloading the database"
This section gathers two types of products in geography on January 1st of the year of the vintage. Two file formats are available: dbase (dbf) and csv.

Files of equipment counting at the level of municipality or Iris (one line = one municipality or one Iris)
- the whole equipment file concerns all equipment ;
- the Education file concerns the equipment in this field, mentioning the presence or not of specific additional characteristics (presence of a canteen, boarding school, etc.) ;
- the Sport-Leasure file concerns equipment in this field, mentioning the presence or not of specific additional characteristics (lighted equipment, cover, etc.).

Detail files of geolocated equipment (one line = one equipment)
- the Whole_equipment_xy file gathers all equipment with their geolocation ;
- the Education_xy file gathers equipment in this field, mentioning the presence or not of specific additional characteristics (presence of a canteen, boarding school, etc.) ;
- the Sport-leasure_xy file gathers equipment of this domain by mentioning the presence or not of specific complementary characteristics (lit equipment, covered, etc.).

2. Section "Downloading the database by theme"
This section gathers two types of files in the most recent geography at the time of online publication, in xls format :

  • files of equipment counts by municipality (one line = one municipality) and by municipal district for Paris, Lyon and Marseille (one line = one municipal district), in geography on January 1st, N+1 ;
  • files of equipment counts by Iris (one line = one Iris), for municipalities with 10,000 residents or over, in geography on January 1st, N.

These count files are available for:
- all the themes
and for each of the following 10 themes:
- sport, leisure and culture;
- trade ;
- personal services ;
- social action ;
- health services ;
- medical and paramedical functions ;
- tourism and transport ;
- 1st degree education ;
- secondary education ;
- higher education, training and education services.

3. Section "Downloading the evolution database"
This section gathers counting or presence / absence files of equipment, over two years spaced five years apart.

These files present the geography data for the year of the most recent vintage for a selection of types of equipment for which the comparison between the two years concerned is possible, with or without reservation.
They are available in two formats: dbase and csv.

The files put online are:
- counts by region,
- counts by department,
- counts by living area,
- counts by cities attraction area 2020,
- counts by urban unit 2020,
- counts by public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI),
- presence / absence by municipality.