Permanent database of facilities 2020 

BPE 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assessment

Data quality
In order to measure the quality of the data contained in the BPE, several types of control are carried out each year.

  • Office checks
    They are conducted on the sole comparison with other available sources. For example, the use of the Sirene file makes it possible to control information from other sources and vice versa. These checks relate to the presumption of the absence or incorrect presence of equipment in the BPE, and do not allow any assertion of its completeness.
    Particular case, the maternities contained in the BPE take into account the control carried out each year with the birth file of INSEE.

  • Field checks
    Each year, around fifteen types of equipment are the subject of a quality survey, carried out in municipalities with 400 to less than 10,000 inhabitants, affected by the population census campaign.
    This survey makes it possible to identify any surplus (equipment present in the BPE and declared non-existent by the municipality) or deficits (equipment absent from the BPE and reported existing by the municipality) of the BPE.
    The main results of this survey are published on
    In 2020, this survey was not carried out following the cancellation of the census collect due to the health context.

Quality of coordinates (x, y)
The coordinates (x, y) made available for each piece of equipment are accompanied by a quality indicator which can take the following forms :
- good : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is less than 100 m;
- acceptable: the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is between 100 m and 500 m ;
- bad : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is greater than 500 m and random imputations could be made ;
- not geolocated : the coordinates (x, y) are not available because the geolocation did not succeed for the equipment ;
- type_equipment_non_geolocated_this_year : the coordinates (x, y) are not available for the equipment considered because it belongs to a category which has not been concerned by geolocation works or for which the geolocation works have not succeeded to a sufficient quality.
Regarding the quality thresholds, INSEE does not guarantee total compliance with these : deviations from reality can be greater in a certain number of cases, and conversely, prove to be of better quality than the documentation does not indicate it.

For the 2020 BPE categories, the distribution of equipment according to the quality of the coordinates (x, y) provided is established as follows:
- good quality: 87.1 %
- acceptable quality: 4.4 %
- poor quality: 8.1 %
- non-geolocated equipment: 0.4 %