Survey of visits to places of remembrance 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

SARP provides information on :
- site characteristics : year
of creation, conflicts covered, type of site, types of visits, month
of opening, etc.
- site attendance : annual
number of admissions, share of free admissions, groups, nationality
of visitors, etc.

Classification system

The remembrance places are studied according to the contemporary conflicts presented : 1870, World War I, World War II, post-45 conflicts.

Sector coverage

The memorial sites included in SARP belong to Division 91 (Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities) and Division 90 (Creative, artistic and entertainment services) of the french nomenclature of activities (NAF rev.2).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Remembrance tourism is : "an approach that prompting the public to explore elements of the heritage that have been highlighted, in order to draw on the civic and cultural enrichment that reference to the past provides". The concepts used in SARP are those of entries or visitors (schoolchildren, by nationality, etc.) and of people (physical numbers) working at the sites (employees, volunteers, etc.).

Statistical unit

A memorial site.

Statistical population

All contemporary memorial sites (conflicts since 1870) in metropolitan France with or without a system for counting their attendance (museums, memorials, interpretation centres, battlefields, necropolises, military squares, war memorials or other memorial structures).

Time coverage

The SARP collection takes place in 3 waves during the years 2019 to 2021. In each collection year N, the site attendance for the years N-1 and N-2 is requested. At the end of the 3 waves, site attendance will be available for the period 2017 to 2020.