Survey of visits to places of remembrance 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Précision et fiabilité

Overall accuracy

It is not possible to count all memory sites, so the results are subject to coverage error, the extent of which cannot be measured. Partial non-response on attendance variables is corrected by imputation or modelling. Partial non-response on non-attendance variables is not corrected.

Sampling error and A1. Sampling errors – indicators for U

Not applicable.

Coverage error

Sites that cannot estimate their own attendance cannot be taken into account. This is the case, for example, of the memorial to the Algerian war and the fighting in Morocco and Tunisia, erected on the Quai Branly in Paris between the Eiffel Tower and the Quai Branly -- Jacques Chirac Museum. Consequently, the attendance rate selected can be seen as a floor attendance rate for memorial sites.

Non response error

The response rate for the SARP 2020, covering 2018 and 2019 attendance, is 72.5% (compared to 91.7% for the 2019 SARP). The sharp drop in the response rate is linked to the health crisis in 2020 : the collection period coincided largely with a period of general population containment which made it more difficult to respond to the survey. 24% non-response on the number of entries in 2019, this non-response is corrected. Nearly 50% non-response on the share of foreign nationalities in entries in 2019, this non-response is not corrected.

Processing error

Not applicable

Model assumption error

Not apllicable.