Household annual survey on information and communication technologies 2020 

Household ICT 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

Aggregate statistics are derived directly from the responses to the ICT questionnaire after treatments and calibrations.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The ICT survey is a multi-mode survey. Three modes of administration are proposed through two distinct protocols: telephone survey (sub-sample "known telephone number") and Internet-paper survey (sub-samples "known telephone number" and "unknown telephone number").
Non-respondents to the telephone survey are then questioned by internet/paperHouseholds with a telephone number (listed in the telephone book and Fideli) are surveyed by telephone. Collection is computer-assisted (Capi).
Households without a telephone number are surveyed by internet and paper. Some households with a telephone number are surveyed by internet/paper as part of a complementary methodological system.

Data collection period

In 2020, Data collection was supposed to be carried out from 30 March 2020 to 17 June 2020. But the French edition of the ICT survey was canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet
  • By phone

Survey unit

  • Individual
  • Household

Sampling method

The survey is based on a sample of 39,000 households drawn from the Demographic Files on Housing and Individuals (Fidéli de l'année 2018).
Two sub-samples are constituted: on the one hand, the 30,000 households found in the directory or with a known telephone number in Fidéli and, on the other hand, the 9,000 households without a telephone number.

Sample size

In 2020, the telephone survey sample size is 3900 households (in metropolitan France and the four overseas departments). The internet/paper survey sample is composed of 27,000 households.

Data collection documents

Paper questionnaire (instructions for filling in included) available.