Household annual survey on information and communication technologies 2020 

Household ICT 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

In 2020, the French edition of the ICT survey was canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The survey would have investigated :
- Access to Information and Communication Technologies (including internet via mobile phone or portable computers);
- The uses of the Internet and frequencies;
- The uses of e-government;
- The uses of e-commerce;
- The privacy and protection of personal data;
- The trust, security and privacy;
- Internet of things.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Household level: internet access equipment and type of connection.
Individual level: frequency of internet use, actions carried out on the internet, use of online storage space, learning via the internet. use of e-government services, requesting help with online procedures, not carrying out online procedures, carrying out procedures other than via the internet. Carrying out and date of online purchases, number of purchases, sum of purchases, type of purchase, origin of purchases, carrying out purchases from private individuals, purchasing services from private individuals, booking transport and accommodation services online, carrying out financial activities online. carrying out actions related to online confidentiality, knowledge and use of privacy protection tools. Use of online identification procedures, use of smartphone and mobile phone, use of antivirus software on smartphone, loss of documents due to a virus, restriction of access to personal data. Use of internet of things.

Statistical unit

Internet equipment is collected at the household level and other characteristics at the level of an individual member of the household, will be randomly selected to answer the questionnaire: this individual is the "Kish".

Statistical population

Internet equipment: Households in which at least one person is aged 15 or over and living in France (metropolitan France and overseas departments excluding Mayotte).
Other statistics: Individuals over 15 years old and living in France (metropolitan France and overseas departments excluding Mayotte).

Time coverage
