Survey of the production of non-hazardous waste by industrial etablishments 2016

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The questionnaire includes 3 sections:

  • the first part requires background information relating to the scope of the survey (activity, numbers);

  • the second part requires qualitative information on waste management and the importance of environmental concerns for the establishment. This provides qualitative insight into the figures required in the third part ;

  • the third part requires tonnages according to the type of waste, as well as information on its collection and its processing. It is broken down into four sub-sections on non-hazardous slurry and effluent waste,  organic wastes, organic non-hazardous waste, mixed non-hazardous and unsorted waste, and non-hazardous sorted waste.

Classification system

The most fields of broadcast are :

Sector :
- BZ -- Mining industries ;
- CA -- Manufacture of food products, of beverages and of tobacco products ;
- CB - Manufacture of textiles, clothing industry, leather and footwear industry  ;
- CC - Woodworking, paper industry and printing ;
- CE -- Chemical industry ;
- CF -- Pharmaceutical industry ;
- CG - Manufacture of rubber and plastic products and other non-metallic mineral products ;
- CH -  Metallurgy and manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment ;
- CI - Manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products ;
- CJ - Manufacture of electrical equipment ;
- CK - Manufacture of machinery and equipment (not classified elsewhere) ;
- CL - Manufacture of transport equipment ;
- CM - Other manufacturing industries, repair and installation of machinery and equipment réparation ; coking and refining ;
- DZ - Production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning.

Number of employees :
- 2 -- 10 to 19 employees;
- 3 - 20 to 49 employees;
- 4 - 50 to 99 employees;
- 5 - 100 to 249 employees;
- 6 - 250 to 499 employees;
- 7 - 500 to 999 employees;
- 8 - 1000 to 1999 employees;
- 9 - 2000 employees and more.

Sector coverage

Establishments belong to the nomenclature of french activity (NAF rev.2 sections B, C, D.)

Statistical concepts and definitions

The most indicators broadcast are the quantity of gather wastes together :
- Total quantity of humid slurry :
- Total quantity of organic waste :
- Total quantity of mixed waste :
- Total quantity of glass waste :
- Total quantity of metal waste :
- Total quantity of plastic waste :
- Total quantity of paper and paperboard waste :
- Total quantity of cloth and leather waste :
- Total quantity of rubber waste :
- Total quantity of wood waste :  
- Total quantity of mineral waste :
- Total quantity of out of service equipment :
- Total quantity of canteen waste / company restaurant :
- Total quantity of waste except humid slurry.

Statistical unit

The unit of interrogation is the establishment, identified by its siret number.

Statistical population

The scope of the survey corresponds to establishments:  
- French (metropolitan France + DROM);
- operators ;
- having at least 4 months of activity in 2016;
- belonging to divisions 05 to 35 of NAF (Rév.2)
- with at least 10 employees.

The survey covers the french establishments of 10 employees or more, with NAF code belonging to sections B, C, D and 4 month of activity in 2016.

Time coverage

Year 2016 for part III (production of waste)Date of the filling in the questionnaire for the other questions