Survey of the production of non-hazardous waste by industrial etablishments 2016

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assurance

The different stages of the survey ensure that the process meets the requirements for statistical production:           
- stratified sample selection
- reminders and checks of data being collected
- clearance
- adjustment for total non-response
- shimming
- adjustment for partial non-response
- control of the influence of atypical units (winsorisation).

Quality assessment

The variables with high partial non-response rate have to be analysed with caution because a significant proportion of the responses have therefore been imputed. Other elements are also to include, as precision of estimators and the fact to cross the variable or not with fields of diffusion.

Before any exploitation, it is also useful to assess the quality of the variables through their partial non-response rate and the confidence intervals provided in the survey quality indicators.

Below the ten variables with the hightest partial non-responses rates (between 20 % and 39 %) :
- Share of packaging in other non-hazardous waste;
- Existence of a waste pre-treatment station on site;
- Existence of a wastewater treatment plant on site;
- Quantity of other non-hazardous waste;
- Quantity of waste from used wooden crates and crates;
- Quantity of waste from end-of-life equipment;
- Quantity of rubber waste;
- Dry matter content of sludge;
- Quantity of canteen waste;
- Quantity of pneumatic waste.