Annual survey on industrial energy consumption 2015 

EACEI 2015

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

EACEI 2015 was collected via the internet and possibly by post (at the request of the establishment).

Data collection period

The collection period extended from January to May 2016 (main sample) and from September to December 2016 (complementary sample).

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Local unit (of an enterprise)

Sampling method

The sampling frame is the Sirus directory (directory of statistical units).
The sampling method is a stratified plan by NTE (a nomenclature of activities dedicated to energy consumption), workforce bands, and region.
Allocations are optimised on the NTE x workforce bands, and on net energy consumption, taking into account the average dispersion per stratum over the last 3 years. The allowances are exhaustive above the threshold of 250 employees and for strata of less than 10 units.

Sample size

The 2015 edition of the EACEI was exceptionally supplemented by an additional sample of 5,493 establishments, bringing the complete sample to 13,990 units.

Data collection documents

Data validation

  • Checks during the collection phase: checks on internal coherence and temporal coherence in the form of an alert at the time of data entry;
  • Follow-ups during the collection phase: exhaustive reminders by mail on non-respondents, priority telephone reminders on large non-respondents;
  • Data cleaning to ensure consistency of answers within each questionnaire;
  • Calculation of precision indicators.

Data compilation

See file "Méthodologie de l'enquête annuelle sur les consommations d'énergie dans l'industrie (EACEI)".

See file "Valeurs modifiées" which indicates the percentages of total modified values, as well as by division of the NAF, by staff bracket and by region.