Annual survey on industrial energy consumption 2015 

EACEI 2015

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Coûts et charges

For the annual collection (including preparation): 3.5 FTE A, 10.5 FTE B and C. IT resources: 80 days. The postage budget is approximately 17,000 euros, and the telephone budget 2,400 euros.
The median (rectified) response time is 35 minutes.
The label committee also ensures that the survey does not place an excessive burden on respondents.
In addition, other decisions were made to limit the burden on respondents:

  • the EACEI sample for "conventional" collection (wave 1) is renewed by half compared to that for EACEI 2014;
  • the part of the EACEI 2015 sample is negatively coordinated with the following surveys: CPSV18130, EMAGSA15, ECEIPE14, PV14_MONO, PV14_MULTI, ANT14, ANT14_3839, EAP14, CIS14, RPS16_TEST, RPS16, TPE15_R, TPE15_C, EDD14, CHALLENGES, TIC16_R, TIC16_C, ESA14_C, ESA14_R, SINE14_AUTO, SINE14₁;
  • collection is done electronically;
  • the sample of the extension collected at the end of the year (second wave) was not intended to be interviewed by a panel and was therefore drawn independently of the numbers of the previous surveys.