Annual survey on industrial energy consumption 2015 

EACEI 2015

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Précision et fiabilité

Overall accuracy

The precision indicators (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, 95% confidence interval) take into account errors due to sampling, total non-response correction and calibration, but not the error related to partial non-response correction.

The variables used for the EACEI 2015 precision calculations are :
BR_QAUP (quantity purchased in electricity)
DR_QAUP (quantity purchased in natural gas)
JR_QAUP (quantity purchased in butane-propane)
LR_QAUP (quantity purchased in heating oil)

The indicators are as follows:
estimate of total
coefficient of variation in percentage = 100 * s / total

The results of the calculations are in the file "Calculs de précision pour les variables cibles".

Non-sampling error and A4. Unit non-response - rate for U and A5. Item non-response - rate for U

The out-of-scope share in the sample is 2.9%. It is estimated at 3.4% in the sampling frame.

Non response error

Cf. "Effet de redressement" file, which summarizes the differences on the aggregate coming from the adjustment for the target variables.
The total non-response rate is usually calculated from the variable ETAT by : Total non-response rate = N/(R+N)*100. It stands at 19.6%. See "Taux de non réponse" This document summarizes the distribution of units according to ETAT coding as well as the non-response rates by grouping of sampling strata.
Cf. files "Taux de non-réponse partielle" and "Top variables de taux de non-réponse partielle", which summarize on the one hand the overall partial non-response rates, as well as by division of the French activity nomenclature (NAF), by workforce band, and by region, for the target variables, and on the other hand the 10 highest partial non-response rates, all variables combined.