France, Social Portrait 2023 edition

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Paru le :Paru le24/01/2024
Sarah Abdouni (Insee), Gabriel Buresi (Insee), Jules Cornetet (Cnaf), Fabien Delmas (Insee), Quynh‑Chi Doan (Cnaf), Léo Quennesson (Drees), Raphaël Trémoulu (Drees)
France, portrait social- January 2024

The social and fiscal reforms of 2022 generated an increase in household disposable income, particularly for the most modest, as a result of exceptional measures to support purchasing power

Sarah Abdouni (Insee), Gabriel Buresi (Insee), Jules Cornetet (Cnaf), Fabien Delmas (Insee), Quynh‑Chi Doan (Cnaf), Léo Quennesson (Drees), Raphaël Trémoulu (Drees)

Once fully implemented, the new social and tax measures introduced in 2022 generated a 0.7% increase in the standard of living of people living in metropolitan France, compared to a situation in which they would not have been implemented. The average gain reached 190 euros per person and per year.

These new measures increased the standard of living of the poorest 10% of people by 360 euros a year, or +3.3%, of which +2.6% was due to exceptional measures, such as the exceptional early increases in benefits. These exceptional measures alone reduced the poverty rate by 0.8 percentage point. At the other end of the distribution, the standard of living of the wealthiest 10% of people rose by 280 euros a year (+0.4%), boosted by the phasing out of the housing tax, the main long-lasting reform affecting taxes and contributions. Middle-income households benefited less from the 2022 socio-fiscal measures: people between the 5th and 6th decile saw an annual gain of 70 euros, or +0.3% on average.

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Paru le :24/01/2024