France, Social Portrait 2023 edition

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Paru le :Paru le24/01/2024
Erwan Pouliquen (Insee)
France, portrait social- January 2024

In four couples in ten, both spouses belong to the same social group

Erwan Pouliquen (Insee)

In 2021-2022, six adults in ten were living as a couple in the same dwelling. Coupling behaviour was closely linked to social position, as measured here by job classes. Four out of ten people in cohabiting couples were living with someone from the same job class. This phenomenon of social homogamy was more common in higher-level jobs, where one in two cohabiting couples lived with a partner from the same category. The self-employed had a more marked homogamous behavior than employees. When they were not in the same job class, couples between self-employed people were more often made up of people from close job classes than salaried workers couples are. Sharing the same level of education as one's spouse or having parents from the same social positions as one's spouse's parents increased the chances of forming a socially homogamous couple.

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Paru le :24/01/2024