Security and society 2021 edition

In this new edition of the INSEE Références collection entitled Security and society, INSEE and the French Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), in collaboration with the Division of Statistics and Studies (SDSE) of the French Ministerial Office of Justice Statistics, offer an overview of what we know about crime and the justice system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le09/12/2021
Kévin Milin (SSMSI)
Sécurité et société- December 2021

Distance of crimes from the victim's home in 2019

Kévin Milin (SSMSI)

According to reports filed with the security forces, the distance between the place where a crime or offence was committed and the victim's home depends on several factors: type of crime, footfall at the scene of the crime and the level of urbanisation where the victim lives and where the crime took place.

As such, vehicle theft generally takes place close to the victim's home (within 600 m in half of cases); theft with or without violence takes place farther away (more than 3.4 km and 4.1 km away in half of cases, respectively); while 40% of cases of domestic violence do not take place within the victim's home.

Tourist areas and train stations, particularly frequented by locals and those passing through, have a higher share of victims who live farther from the scene of the crime.

Outside these specific places, victims of crimes or offences (excluding theft without violence and vehicle theft) that did not take place within an urban unit or that took place in small urban units tend to live farther from where the crime was committed than those who were the victims of crimes that took place in larger urban areas. Similarly, people who live in small urban units or away from urban units altogether generally suffer more theft and assault (excluding vehicle theft) farther from their homes than those who live in large urban areas.

Insee Références

Paru le :03/05/2022