Security and society 2021 edition

In this new edition of the INSEE Références collection entitled Security and society, INSEE and the French Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), in collaboration with the Division of Statistics and Studies (SDSE) of the French Ministerial Office of Justice Statistics, offer an overview of what we know about crime and the justice system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le09/12/2021
Emilie Le Caignec (ministère de la Justice, SDSE)
Sécurité et société- December 2021

Judicial activity in criminal cases from 2012 to 2019: shorter processing times thanks to the increase in simplified procedures

Emilie Le Caignec (ministère de la Justice, SDSE)

In 2019, public prosecutors examined 4.5 million cases, of which 3.1 million were progressed and the remainder dropped. The suspected perpetrators could not be prosecuted in 29% of cases examined. Of cases in which the perpetrators could be prosecuted, 10% were dropped due to inexpediency, and the remainder were the subject of a penal response in the form of alternative procedures to prosecution (36%), criminal fines (5%) or proceedings brought before an investigating or trial court (49%).

In 2019, criminal courts handed down 597,300 rulings, a similar number to the judgments given in simplified procedures, summary judgements and subpoenas through plea bargaining. Criminal courts acquitted 4% of perpetrators, ranging from 11% for environmental damage to 1% for traffic and transport infractions.

There were 562,700 final convictions of natural persons, including 2 200 for crimes. More than half of main penalties were prison sentences. Of these, 24% involved imprisonment, 27% were fully suspended, and 33% were fines.

As of 1 January 2021, 61,700 people were imprisoned in France, including 17,700 who were in custody awaiting trial. Of these, 1 400 had been granted day parole.

Insee Références

Paru le :03/05/2022