The national accounts in 2021 National accounts - 2014 Base

Detailed figures
Insee Résultats
Paru le :Paru le12/07/2022
Insee Résultats- July 2022

Government expenditure broken down by function in 2021 National accounts - 2014 Base

Detailed figures

Insee Résultats

Paru le :01/03/2023

The government expenditure are broken down by an international nomenclature, COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government).

This classification divides government expenditure in ten categories according to their function (general public services, defence, public order and safety, economic affairs, environmental protection, housing and community amenities, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, social protection) and assesses their relative importance.


A new version of tables 3.301 to 3.307 has been published on 22/02/2023, on the occasion of the publication of general government expenditures by function at European level by Eurostat.
These revisions have no impact on total expenditures by operation and by institutional sector, but modify their the distribution by expenditures function.

3.301 – General government (S13) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 668 Ko)
3.302 – Central government (S1311) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 647 Ko)
3.303 – State government (S13111) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 601 Ko)
3.304 – Miscellaneous bodies of central government (S13112) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 588 Ko)
3.305 – Local government (S1313) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 638 Ko)
3.306 – Social security funds (S1314) expenditure by function (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 574 Ko)
3.307 – Breakdown by sub-sector and by function of consolidated general government expenditure (Billions euros)
(xlsx, 589 Ko)

Pour comprendre

General government expenditures are classified according to an international classification: COFOG (Classification of the Functions of the Government) or, in French, CFAP (Classification des fonctions des administrations publiques).

This classification allows the breakdown of general government expenditures in 10 categories by purpose (general public services, defence, public order and security, economic affairs, environmental protection, housing and community amenities, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, social protection) and to value their respective importance.

Field of general government and amont of expenditures are those of national accounting.

By convention, expenditure of debt interests, when the purpose of this interest expenditure cannot be distinguished, are recorded under the "General public services" function. Thus, public debt interests are recorded as "General public services" whereas those paid by social security funds are divided between "Health" and "Social protection", the only functions which they serve. Allocation of transfer expenditures (current transfers or capital transfers) is made according to the financed expenditure when this one is identified. On the contrary, it is, by convention, recorded as "General public services". This is the case of the total operating grant (dotation globale de fonctionnement - DGF) paid by central government to local governments. These conventions make this purpose of expenditure more difficult to read by sub-sector. The delicate split between health expenditure and social protection expenditure may distort international results comparability.

Are recorded in the French accounts:

  • as "Health", expenditure regarding the supported health care (reimbursement of medical consultations and pharmaceuticals, etc.);
  • as "Social protection", monetary transfers to households intended for compensation of losses of income due to illness and to occupational accidents (daily allowances).


Methodology of the annual accounts

From May 30, 2018, INSEE publishes the national accounts in 2014 base.

The most significant changes concern the national economy's transactions with the rest of the world, as well as the estimations of flows of property income between resident agents (enterprises, households, general government, etc.) as well as between resident agents and the rest of the world.

This basic change is accompanied by some improvements that are described in the " The national accounts switch to 2014 base" folder and in the methodology sheets of the 2014 database.

Online, aids to understanding facilitate the reading of results (definitions,  classification, glossary).

Presentation of the transition to the 2014 base of the national accounts

