France, Social Portrait 2021 edition

This work provides a perspective on more than a year of a health crisis with unprecedented economic and social impacts: How has the population's mortality and health changed throughout the waves of Covid-19? To what extent have the preventive measures been adopted? How has the healthcare system been affected? Which regions were most affected by the drop in births seen nine months after the first lockdown? What impact has the crisis had on household income and the job market? What effect did the crisis have on young people?

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Paru le :Paru le25/11/2021
Yves Jauneau, Joëlle Vidalenc (Insee)
France, portrait social- November 2021

In 2020, following a steep drop in the first lockdown, hours worked recovered to differing extents depending on profession

Yves Jauneau, Joëlle Vidalenc (Insee)

The total number of hours worked over the year saw a marked drop between 2019 and 2020 (−7.8%). This drop can largely be attributed to a reduction in the number of hours worked by those employed (−7.3%), as the number of jobs remained relatively stable (−0.5%).

Following a sharp decrease during the first lockdown, the number of hours worked recovered, with only a slight drop in the second lockdown. Working from home, which took off during the first lockdown, continued at a high rate, especially for managers.

The trajectories for the year differed significantly between professions. Seventeen percent of the employed had jobs requiring them to work on-site throughout the year, including in the healthcare sector. For 40% of people, the increase in or continuation of high levels of working from home limited drops in activity. For 33%, primarily those in the industrial and construction sectors, on-site activity was quick to return at the end of the first lockdown. And for 6% of people, largely those working in accommodation and food service activities, the drop in activity was more pronounced thanks to the notable effect of the second lockdown.

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Paru le :03/05/2022