Growth and inflation tested by geopolitical uncertainties Economic outlook - March 2022


Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le18/03/2022
Conjoncture in France- March 2022

Focus - The sectors most aff ected by hiring problems are also those in which most companies expect significant wage increases

In January 2022, INSEE’s business tendency surveys asked business leaders in the building construction and services sectors for the fi rst time about their expectations for change in wages in their sector. This was in addition to leaders in industry who have already been asked this question for several years. The sectors in which companies most often expect signifi cant wage hikes are also those most aff ected by hiring problems (agrifood, road transport, accommodation-catering). More generally, the answers to this question in industry proved interesting for completing the outlook diagnosis on wage trends.

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :30/03/2022