France and its Territories 2021 Edition

This work offers an overview of economic, social and environmental issues at a regional level. Using zoning for studies that were updated in 2020, the work takes stock of geographical disparities in France, the strengths and weaknesses of the different regions and the population's living conditions.

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Paru le :Paru le22/07/2021
Justine Durand, Henri Lavergne (Insee), Pascal Boulin, Frédéric Vey (SDES)
La France et ses territoires- July 2021

Particular features of French departments in regard to sustainable development

Justine Durand, Henri Lavergne (Insee), Pascal Boulin, Frédéric Vey (SDES)

French departments each have particular features from the viewpoint of sustainable development. For example, metropolitan areas are places that generate wealth but they also represent risk factors for the environment and there is a risk of exclusion for certain population categories.

Health and well-being issues are dependent on factors such as a coordinated health services network and the conservation of natural resources. The eutrophication and aquatic disturbance or imbalance found in most departments are damaging to the quality of ecosystems. Biodiversity protection remains a challenge as long as artificialisation persists in France.

However, the conversion to organic farming is continuing to progress, with France investing heavily in cleaning up its bodies of water, and virtuous behaviour tending to bring down CO2 emissions (registration of new cars that are less polluting and growth in renewable energy).

Reducing inequality is another key sustainable development issue. Poverty affects French overseas departments and other departments in metropolitan France. In some of them, there is a high level of overcrowding of housing. The gender pay gap constitutes a factor in inequality and is particularly marked in industrial areas and in those with the most managers. Moreover, in many regions, education and training-related difficulties mount up, with the potential also to become obstacles to gaining employment.

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Paru le :22/07/2021