France, Social Portrait 2020 edition

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Paru le :Paru le03/12/2020
Jean-Paul Caille (Injep)
France, portrait social- December 2020

The sports pursuits undertaken by pupils at collège are closely linked to their parents’ involvement in sport and to their summer holidays

Jean-Paul Caille (Injep)

At the age of 13 or 14, pupils at collège consider sport to be an important leisure activity for them: 83% of them pursue one sports activity at least once a week and almost two thirds are members of a sports association or club. They also take great interest in sport: more than seven pupils at collège out of ten follow the sports news and six out of ten support a team or sports personality. However, there are marked social disparities: the pupil's pursuit of sport becomes more frequent and structured in line with the family’s educational capital and level of income.

These social disparities result principally from differences in the parents’ involvement in sport and from summer holiday arrangements. Firstly, the more the parents are involved in sport, the more regular and structured the child’s pursuit of sport will be. Secondly, the more pupils enjoy long summer holidays, the more opportunity they have to pursue new areas of sport, which diversifies and enhances their interest in sport during their leisure time.

The highest attaining pupils pursue sport more regularly; in particular, they are more likely to be licence-holders and to take part in official competitions. However, they differ little from other pupils in terms of following the sports news and are less likely to support a team or sports personality.

Girls at collège are less interested in sport than boys. They pursue sport less often. When they are involved in sport, they are less likely to be registered with a sports club or to be licence-holders and they participate less in official competitions.

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Paru le :23/03/2021