France, Social Portrait 2020 edition

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Paru le :Paru le03/12/2020
Meriam Barhoumi (Depp)
France, portrait social- December 2020

At lycée (secondary school), academic pathways are improving, but there is little reduction in educational and social inequalities

Meriam Barhoumi (Depp)

During the past two decades, the fall in pupils repeating a class, the standardisation of the offer of training at collège (middle school) and the restructuring of the vocational route have had positive effects on the progress of pupils at lycée. Comparing those entering sixième (the sixth class) in 1995 and those entering sixième in 2007, more pupils followed linear pathways, whilst pathways marked by repeated classes and changes of direction were less frequent. Pupils also more often achieved the baccalaureate.

Pupils could be separated into five standard pathways which, despite the changes in secondary teaching, had remained the same despite the twelve year gap. A first group of pupils followed the general and technological pathway without difficulty. This accounted for 52% of pupils entering sixième in 2007. Of them, nine out of ten obtained a baccalaureate on time, usually in science. Girls and pupils from wealthy background were over-represented, albeit less so than twelve years previously. A second group represented 8% of pupils who also followed the general and technological pathway but less steadily. Arriving in sixième with an average attainment level, they repeated years at collège or lycée. Nine out of ten passed the baccalaureate, mostly in technology. Pupils from wealthy backgrounds were also over-represented in this group.

A third group, representing 16% of pupils entering sixième in 2007, progressed in a linear fashion along the vocational baccalaureate route. Although they often entered sixième with a fairly low level of educational attainment, eight out of ten obtained the baccalaureate. Boys and children of manual workers were over-represented in this group. The fourth group included the 20% of young people who followed the vocational pathway for a short time or less steadily. They entered sixième with a low level of educational attainment, but more often than previously reached the final year of the vocational pathway and usually obtained the baccalaureate. Sons and daughters of manual workers were over-represented in this group also.

Lastly, a fifth group included the 4% of pupils entering sixième in 2007 who had the most educational difficulties and mostly left the education system after a short time. They nevertheless achieved a qualification in more cases than twelve years ago, notwithstanding more severe educational difficulties when they entered sixième than previously. Children of manual workers or inactive parents were significantly over-represented in this group.

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Paru le :23/03/2021